Home > Behavior & Training (Parent) > Registration Information

Registration Information


  • Classes are held at our newly renovated Baxter Building, located at 215 Landing Road in Westbrook, or via Zoom.

Signing Up

  • Please follow this link to sign up for your class. We use a platform created specifically for dog training programs. You will be asked to create a custom profile of you and your dog, so we have all the essential information to get you started and maintain your family’s training record.

Registration Fees

  • Fees vary depending on the course and are listed in the course description. ARLGP alumni dogs receive 20% off all training fees (when registering alumni: please enter promo code ‘alum’ at check-out to apply your adopter discount).

Vaccination Requirements

  • We require vaccinations to be submitted prior to class. Vaccines must be submitted in digital format to training@arlgp.org. This can be a photo, or PDF of your dogs’ vaccination records. Do not expect to bring records the day of class. This is to ensure you are providing proper documentation and that if any vaccinations have expired, you have time to booster them. Disease control is extremely important as we see a high volume of clients each week.
  • Failure to provide vaccinations will result in inability to attend class and potentially withdrawal if we are unable to connect with you. We take disease management very seriously and will not allow dogs into our training space without proper documentation. Please understand that we run classes with all ages, from fragile puppies to super seniors, and on occasion immunocompromised dogs. All are welcome, which means minimizing risk is high priority.
  • We require age appropriate Distemper, Parvovirus and Rabies Vaccinations.
    • Puppies at 8 weeks old are too young for a rabies vaccine, but must be up to date on their distemper parvo series. This is most commonly seen as “DAPP” on your veterinary paperwork.
    • While we accept breeder paperwork for DAPP, rabies vaccinations must be administered by a veterinarian. Puppies between 14-16 weeks are expected to have received their rabies vaccinations. 
    • We do not accept ‘due date’ reminders as vaccination certificates. We must have documentation of when the previous vaccines were given, bonus if the same document states when they are next due!

Refund and Cancellation Policy

  • When registering for class, please check your schedule to ensure you are available for all class dates. While we will try to work with you on missing a class (catching you up in the next class or offering a spot in a different class for that week if space allows), note that there are no make-up classes or partial refunds for classes missed, for any reason.
  • The ARLGP is a nonprofit organization. Many of our classes are offered at low prices to ensure dog training is accessible for all; your spot in class is secured from the moment you register, and we do not accept overflow clients to ensure we are creating a safe and positive learning environment for all. Please be mindful of this when attending.
  • We understand that life happens! If you register for class and have a sudden change in schedule, let us know and we will see if we can shuffle.
  • Refunds are only given with a 48 hour notice prior to when the course officially starts. If you learn that you are unable to attend a course you signed up for prior to it starting, please let us know immediately so we have time to process your refund and re-open registration for your spot.

Attendance and Tardiness

  • Classes start at the time scheduled. We recommend arriving ~10 minutes early so you can potty your dog and get situated. It is important we have everyone in designated areas when classes start. Arriving late may delay the class or result in you coming in while other students are attempting to practice exercises with their dogs.
  • Attendance: There will certainly be times where it just isn’t possible to get to class – we’ve all had it happen! If you know you will be unable to attend class, please email your instructor so they are aware not to wait for you in starting class. You will still receive a class recap if you do not attend a specific class, and we are still happy to answer any questions you may have about the topics gone over.
  • If your pet is ill- we expect you to communicate with your instructor, and do not want dogs with potentially contagious symptoms in class. Your dog wants a sick day, not to go to school!! You will still receive the class recap, and if we have any other sessions running, we will invite you to attend. If you attend class with a sick dog, the class instructor reserves the right to ask you to leave.

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